Mariam Ghani: Tracery
September 12-October 6, 2012 | Reception Wednesday, September 12, 4-7 pm
Artist talk Tuesday, October 2, 5-7 PM, Worth Ryder Art Gallery. Co-sponsored by the Center for South Asia Studies.
Mariam Ghani is a Brooklyn-based artist whose research-based practice operates at the intersections between place, memory, history, language, loss, and reconstruction. She will be exhibiting two bodies of work which use art to question history and our constructions of the past. For The Trespassers (2010-11), Ghani hired Afghan-Americans who had previously worked as translators for the US military in Afghanistan, translating documents related to US military prisons in Afghanistan. The idea behind these encounters was to test whether these individuals would be able to maintain the neutrality of a ‘simultaneous translator’ when confronted with the material of their own histories and to see how their work registered in and reacted to gaps in the records. "The fidelity of translation is always a slippery slope. In situations where words have weight and consequences, is the translator responsible to render the spirit or the letter of the original? Does the act of translation, like the presence of an observer or a recording device, preclude or occlude, transform or make impossible the act of bearing witness?" Fugitive Refrains (2006-07) was conceived and produced collaboratively with Butoh-trained dancer/choreographer Erin Ellen Kelly during a residency at the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany. It was developed for, performed, and shot on HDV in six specific sites in the Solitude Rotwildpark forest and in the historic site of Schloss Solitude in summer 2006. The title of the video is derived from a line in a Wordsworth poem written a few decades after the construction of Schloss Solitude: "That nature yet remembers/what was so fugitive."
New Work by Ryan and Trevor Oakes
September 12-October 6, 2012 | Reception Wednesday, September 12, 4-7 pm
Co-presented with the Berkeley Center for New Media, Berkeley School of Optometry and the Zero1 Biennial
Artist talk Monday, September 17, 7:30 PM, Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley.
Co-presented with the Berkeley Center for New Media Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium.
Co-presented with the Berkeley Center for New Media Art, Technology and Culture Colloquium.
Colorado-born visual artists and twin brothers Ryan and Trevor Oakes have been engaged in conversation since they were children. They've had the chance to verbalize their respective experience of reality to each other since toddler-hood. This has lead to a body of jointly built art pieces that address human vision, light, perception, and the experience of space and depth in the particular way they've come to understand it. The Oakes' will be exhibiting new drawings that introduce color into their technical lexicon and sculptures which articulate their innovative understanding of human vision.
Upcoming Events:
Lecture: Vishal Jugdeo
Monday, October 8, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Lecture: Marisa Jahn
Monday, October 15, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Lecture: Gabi Ngcobo
Monday, October 22, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Lecture: Vishal Jugdeo
Monday, October 8, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Lecture: Marisa Jahn
Monday, October 15, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Lecture: Gabi Ngcobo
Monday, October 22, 7:30 PM | 102 Wurster Hall
Worth Ryder Art Gallery | 116 Kroeber Hall
